Wednesday, May 26, 2010

How lucky are we really!

I sat back last night with A and B and couldn't help but think how lucky we are!

Over the past week I have met some lovely people with autistic children and some autsitic children from all over the spectrum and I feel so lucky and grateful that our B only has high functioning autism!

I hear you say but it is Austim and it isn't easy! I know that but when you meet these lil guys and girls and see them with the other issues they face it ain't so bad!

And what amazes me is they are so happy still and know life no other way!

I watched B throw a tantrum last night and he finished and picked himself up and was happy as!

SOmetimes I wish I could be as oblivious of the world as they are be comfortable enough to throw a tantrum and not care who was around and say out loud what I think about things and not care who judged me!

They sometimes have the right idea and it is so amazing!!!

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