Wednesday, May 5, 2010

The diagnosis is in but........

So yesterday we got the results of Brayden's assessment (just to skip ahead) and he officially has high functionng autism! Great you say yes it is we are relieved we have an answer to his little quirks BUT after getting home from finding these results out I have a message on our phone from his kinder teacher to call her back she will be there till 3ish so at 2:55 i chance it that she will be there and she informs me she just recieved a letter from the company who fund our aide (helper for kinder) have decide Brayden no longer requires an extra pair of hands! WHAT
I couldn't believe it they are telling me at the results meeting about how this will help with getting him an aide for school as he repuires the help but he doesn't now when he needs to be learning about how to be social!
I am sorry if I offend anyone but this is how we form those depressed primary school kids that everyone asks what they have to be depressed about!
Just imaging going to school everyday knowing you are different from the other kids, you don't know all the rights and wrongs on social interaction so you keep to yourself you don't know how to approach a teacher if you are hurt or don't understand a question or task!
This is what B is faced with for the rest of his life!
So I am on the hunt for how I can help him and his kinder "friends" get the most out of kinder and also to help take some of the pressure of his teacher and her assistant!
A few letters have been written and sent so we shall see what comes next!

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