Wednesday, May 26, 2010

How lucky are we really!

I sat back last night with A and B and couldn't help but think how lucky we are!

Over the past week I have met some lovely people with autistic children and some autsitic children from all over the spectrum and I feel so lucky and grateful that our B only has high functioning autism!

I hear you say but it is Austim and it isn't easy! I know that but when you meet these lil guys and girls and see them with the other issues they face it ain't so bad!

And what amazes me is they are so happy still and know life no other way!

I watched B throw a tantrum last night and he finished and picked himself up and was happy as!

SOmetimes I wish I could be as oblivious of the world as they are be comfortable enough to throw a tantrum and not care who was around and say out loud what I think about things and not care who judged me!

They sometimes have the right idea and it is so amazing!!!

Oh my goodness

Where is all tis help ASD kids are meant to be getting! I try to call someone to get help and no one answers their phones anymore.

Every single place I have rung this morning is either not answering their phone and telling you to leave a msg with your name and number or they are telling you they can't help! I am going to get a tape recorder I ahve decided so I don't have to keep saying the same thing over and over " Hi my name's Sam .... I am alling about your service for my autistic son to see if you can help my number is ......" AND do you think I have heard from any of them NO and the 1 I did hear from I have not heard from again!

PLUS the school thing isn't so easy either! I saw 1 school yesterday lovely school nice and small and nice staff who have experience with kids with autism YAY call another school and get asked to leave my name and number and they will call when there is the next open day! I have also emailed this school and got no response so about to cross them off my list too! It is just crazy!!!

My poor son is luckily oblivious to all this!!

Just wondering if SOMEONE ELSE CAN DO ALL THIS NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, May 23, 2010


Yesterday I attended a Early Days workshop run by a lovely girl from Noah's ark with my mum!

I highly recommend this workshop for any parent or person very involved with an Autistic child to participate in.

There was only 8 of us (there were even 2 ver involved dad's) so we could talk freely about whatever things led to (which in our groups case was many things and not all to do with autism)!!

It starts off by getting to know everyone and my goodness a couple of the cases just broke my heart. I won't go into detail but I will say that these other children had problems above and well beyond autism! :( Makes me realise B isn't BAD!

Anyway we moved on to what autism is and then spoke of the therapies and the different funding we are entitled to! We talked about what each of us do with our kids and what we have found works and doesnt work what services we use and what we want to find out about!! Some things even shocked the OT who did the workshop!!!

It is amazing what sum people will put their child through we heard of the usual therapies like speech and psychologists and OT's then there was the caesien diet and what food you should eliminate with the diets! There were even some that have been proved to be harmful to children even some that apparently have had cases of death!!

I found this workshop very helpful but the best thing I got out of the day was the chance to hear about other parents having similar issues and no longer feeling like I am all alone in this battle!

I was actually one of the most informed there and it was quite a strange yet reassuring feeling!

So now Adam is going to be booked into one!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Remember your child doesn't have a disability?!

So i was forced to bear all to B's psych the other week and i told her how i was sick of being the one to handle appointments and being the only one who seems to know how to handle B although my lovely mother is a huge help and does too it feels like 90% of the time it is me and me only that has to see B like he is and she turned around to me and told me "remember he doesn't have any disability he is your Brayden the same he always has been!"
So my question to others with Autistic children how is it our children don't have disabilities but everything to do with centrelink and school and parts of the assessments all state some form of disability!
I just don't understand!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Why him

So yesterday started as a lovley day got up early with Lachie and went food shopping and got everyone maccas for brekky! Came home put shopping away and tried to eat cold hot cakes (yuck) and get everyone ready in an hourr to go to the animal farm!
Had a great time at the farm B fed a donkey and loved seeing all the animals up close!
Went to kinder from the farm! (oh no) He was ok with going to kinder till we got inside then cried at me the whole time and kept telling me he wanted to go home which for B means he is really uncomfortable! They asked me to just wait it out and he will settle took till end of session! Soooo long I can't believe I didn't think he would be like that!
He is very excited at the moment coz his uncle and aunty and cousin are down from Alice Springs so anxiety levels thru the roof! Poor guy!
I just seemed to notice that he was different! It isn't something that sits at the front of your thoughts alot and so to be basially smacked in the face with it was like WOW!!!!
I ended up calling mum and going for a hot chocky and cry to try and help!
I just don't understand what he has done to get this life sentence and for people to turn around and say he isn't disabled then turn around in the same sentence and say his disabilities hold him back is just wrong!
AND to top it all of i was told at kinder that we have his aide back till at least the end of the month! because neither the aide or i were informed about the decision to change the situation! Poor B is going thru a hard time as it is and then this! Grrrrrr

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

The diagnosis is in but........

So yesterday we got the results of Brayden's assessment (just to skip ahead) and he officially has high functionng autism! Great you say yes it is we are relieved we have an answer to his little quirks BUT after getting home from finding these results out I have a message on our phone from his kinder teacher to call her back she will be there till 3ish so at 2:55 i chance it that she will be there and she informs me she just recieved a letter from the company who fund our aide (helper for kinder) have decide Brayden no longer requires an extra pair of hands! WHAT
I couldn't believe it they are telling me at the results meeting about how this will help with getting him an aide for school as he repuires the help but he doesn't now when he needs to be learning about how to be social!
I am sorry if I offend anyone but this is how we form those depressed primary school kids that everyone asks what they have to be depressed about!
Just imaging going to school everyday knowing you are different from the other kids, you don't know all the rights and wrongs on social interaction so you keep to yourself you don't know how to approach a teacher if you are hurt or don't understand a question or task!
This is what B is faced with for the rest of his life!
So I am on the hunt for how I can help him and his kinder "friends" get the most out of kinder and also to help take some of the pressure of his teacher and her assistant!
A few letters have been written and sent so we shall see what comes next!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

kinder troubles

So around this time last year B's psychologist suggested we should look into a few things as she suspected he may fall into a spectrum which is called Autism spectrum disorder!
We were blown away and between us freaking out because our lil man was going to be labelled with something that we had not really heard of!
So we started by doing an assessment with this psychologist and we found he was alittle behind the rest of the 4 year olds in language!

Just as we were starting to work things into a good little routine (term4 late term 3) He starts to dig his heels in about going to kinder one of the children were hitting him! I informed the teacher but he was still coming up in bruises and saying that his "best friend" was now doing it too!

I confronted his teacher who then proceeds to inform me that my son is a bully as he won't leave the children alone when they say no so the end result is to hit or kick him! I was gob smacked how on earth can a teacher turn to a childs mother and say yes I know your child is being hit but he won't leave them alone! I thought it was their job to protect our children and not let them get hurt! So when I asked why it wasn't stopped she replied that it was but when they hit him it is because he is bullying them!

The next and final straw at that kinder was after rehersals for the concert one day she informed me that I should keep Brayden home from the concert because he is showing no interest of being apart of this and it is not worth "creating a scene"! I was so upset I kept him home from school and the concert and rang the president of the committee.

So we changed his kinder for this year and are all feeling a million times better and are seeing improvements in B we didn't think would happen! He even has new friends!!!!