Thursday, April 29, 2010

Our first experience with "help"

I have to point out from the start I am not going to name names and services because I don't feel comfortable naming them! I will refer to them as speech therapist and name professions though!

So the first person we saw was a child psychologist! Lovely person listened to me and listend to A but said she couldn't see or hear that B had any problems and so refered us to speech therapy to see if they could help! We saw this psychologist for about 5 sessions and she only saw B for 2 but that was ok she said she didn't think his difference was behavioural!
So off we went to a speech therapist in the same facility! I warned this therapist that you cannot approach B like a bull at a gate you have to acknowledge he is there then let him approach you or he will not respond well the therapsit acknowledges this and what happens next goes bounding over to B and Says "Hi Brayden my name is ....... How would you like to come and play with me for a little bit" Well B freaks and hides behind me doesn't he! We saw this therapist for about 5 sessions and in these sessions she would ask B ridiculous questions about things that you or I would go what on earth?! But anyway so in the last session we attended with this person they turned to me and said they didn't know how to help B because he was great with me and with his little brother but wouldn't even talk to her!
During this time we started with a different service and they started with a psychologist who we are seeing to this day! The difference was amazing!
Moral of the story Change your therapist until you are both comfortable or it just won't work!

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